Pickling’s Fun/Cool.
Pickling’s fun/cool, and here’s why:
- Sullivan Street Tea & Spice Company’s original pickling spice blend is completely organic and made combines organic dill seed, yellow mustard seed, coriander, bay leaf, cinnamon, red chili pepper, allspice, ginger, black pepper and organic cloves.
- There’s an episode of Portlandia about ‘pickling’ that reminds us why we should be choosey about what we pickle.
- If you’re gonna pickle, pickle right. Stick to food.
- Pickling spice not only adds flavor but is a complex, easy-to-use recipe that’s not exclusive to cucumbers.
- Use pickling spice in meats and stews. Lightly toast your pickling spice to enhance flavor and highlight ingredient notes.
- If you don’t eat meat but like fish, try making picked herring using white vinegar, granulated sugar and red onions.
*For future use: cure the herring with pickling spice and then store it in air-tight jars. Refrigerate, and eat for the next few weeks.
- If you don’t eat meat or fish, try pickled eggs, red beet pickled eggs, sweet and sour pickled eggs and dark and spicy pickled eggs.
Have fun!